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House Remodel - Battista

House Remodel



This was a very bespoke project in which our client wanted a small second home in the city centre of Milan for regular visits. The endeavor included finding a suitable property in a very tight—both physically and in the real estate sense—market.


An intense feasibility study was required upfront to even find a property that could fulfill both the investment goals and the specific needs of the client.

The space chosen was located in the heart of Milan’s shopping district, where the value of property is extreme and therefore every inch of developed space carries a financial impact. This dynamic includes significant municipal regulations and required consultation with governmental agencies due to working in a historic zone.


A minimalistic approach was embraced both for aesthetic reasons and to cut down on the many moving parts of the project. The overarching goal was to design every bit of the living area to be highly efficient while creating a sense of luxury.

One stratagem was involving a yacht designer to work on the cabinetry and closets, since creating functionality in extremely tight spaces is their forte. Collaborating with yacht designers was a major part of the success of this project. One of our favorite inspiring designers is Heesen Yachts. We were able to create a sense of roominess with storage solutions that were discreet yet functional.


Inspiration Knowledge

Countertop Materials

Freestanding bathtubs

“A building is not just a place to be, but a way to be.”

– Frank Lloyd Wright

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